Restaurant Concept

Odio repellat magnam quaerat eum quaerat praesentium eos dolorem. Occaecati aut facere sunt accusamus ut nulla aliquid eligendi. Quaerat fugiat sunt. Sed in saepe non. Aliquid laboriosam mollitia ullam et sed voluptas non eligendi deleniti. Id rerum sapiente aut in sit nobis fuga et i

CMS build
JavaScript solution
Client First Design System
Custom JavaScript
Finsweet Attributes
Just tell him what you need.

Recent work

Type anything.

Buttons, cards, components, icons, illustrations, even full page sections. Fantom uses the power of AI and machine learning to generate whatever you need.

Endless components variations.

Don’t like what you see? Fantom can generate multiple versions of your components.

Inspired by others? Use it as a visual direction.

Fantom can recognize prompts from several designers from different fields and generate UI elements based on their design style.